In 1992/1993 President Joaquim Chissano created a 30,000 military Unified Field technology - Invincible DefenseTechnology group in Mozambique. He achieved the predicted effect of crime rate drop, stability and development in his country.


              Health & Strenght for Soldiers & Veterans

          Peace for America and the World


          "We see every city, close to us or far away,

          thrive in peace and prosperity. 

          We have the method."

The mission:


To share with the leaders of good will, and with everyone, Mozambique's turnaround story, from the war-torn, poorest world country in 1992 to the world fastest growing economy in 2000. To share with them the data which moved President Chissano, his Cabinet, the Chiefs of Staff of the military to unanimously decide to create a large TM and  TM Sidhi group - 30,000 Preventive Wings, the Unified Field Technology Group.

The effect of social improvement  in non-meditating populations (called the Maharishi Effect) as the result of the Unified Field Technology  (TM and TM Sidhi Program) has been validated by more than 50 replications and 23 studies (references) published in leading peer-reviewed scientific journals . It has been known as IDT.

Health & Strenght for Soldiers & Veterans

Health improvements  in members of the TM Sidhi group (veterans in Preventive Wings) have been researched for over 50 years at 250 independent universities and research institutions in 33 countries around the world (the list  3.). The research findings have been published in 160 peer-reviewed scientific and scholarly journals (the list 4,and edited in books in many different fields of study, in the US and Canada, in Europe and around the world. Health benefits of TM and TM Sidhi practice have been validated by over 600 scientific research.

Homeland Security with Unified Field-Based Defense. Defense India, 2004 

A New Role for the Military: Preventing Enemies from Arising-Reviving an Ancient Approach to Peace.    Journal of Management & Social Science Vol. 5, No. 2, (Fall 2009) 153-162

A Preventive Wing of the military during the advanced Unified Field technology (IDT) program, Latin America.

The Unified Field Diagram courtesy Dr,John Hagelin, the GAPWM Scientific Advisory Board.

In 1920, the British astronomer, Sir Eddington wrote: " All through the physical world runs that unknown content, which must surely be the stuff of consciousness" .                                                                                                Eddington, A.S. (1959) Space ,time and gravotation: an outline of the                                                 general  relativity theory. New York: Harper and Row, 200-1

Espagnat corroborated that : "The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with the facts establishes  by experiment."                                                                                                                                                                French physicist Bernard Espagnat                                                                                                      d'Espagnat, B. (1979). The quantum theory and reality.                                                                      Scientific American, 241 (5), 158.

The Unified Field Effect has been researched and known for four decades as the Maharishi Effect, after the Indian Vedic scholar and physicist who made the phenomenon known, field-tested on all continents and researched by the most advanced tools of modern statistics. Like the electronic technology, chemical technology, nuclear technology, quantum computing and quantum cryptography (quantum communications) - the Unified Field technology is the reality of life. 

Global Impact of the Maharishi Effect from 1974 to 2017: Theory and Research.                        David W. Orme-Johnson & Lee

           The GAPWM in the News

         2021 - 2020- 2019 - 2018 - 2017-2016

                        2015 - 2014 - 2013

The approach has been validated by more than 50 replications & 23 studies published in leading peer-reviewed scientific journals.  It is based on 25 years of scientific research. It has been endorsed by hundreds of independent scientists and scholars.

              Building - Sustaining Peace - IDT 

International Conference on Armed Forces   Conflict Resolution
       Conflict Resolution in a Globalized World                        Session 6, Seoul, Korea, Presented by    

                  Dr. David Leffler, July 14 - July 17 2008

       Creating an Invincible Miltary                            Editorial by Dr. David Leffler 

               Real Clear Defense,  March, 2017


"IDT (the Unified Field effect) is currently deployed by militaries worldwide. Several Latin American countries are now employing this innovative approach, based on the success of the 15,000 members of the Navy, Air Force, Army, and Secret Service of Ecuador. Also, an IDT pilot project was instituted by Brazil’s elite military police force shortly before the Olympics to improve performance and prevent terrorism."

  Police Writers,                                                

 Combating Stress in Police Work and Preventing Crime, Terrorism, and War2011,  David R Leffler  (Ecuador 2011)

          The Genesis 2.0 Project 


"Compared with the market-driven, killer-app insta-culture of the Digital Age, the new Large Hadron Collider exists in a near-magical realm, a $9 billion cathedral of science that is apparently, in any practical sense, useless."

                                                      Kurt Andersen                                    Vanity Fair,  January, 2010