Dr. Frederick Travis, Ph.D
In the field on neuroscience, Dr. Fred Travis is known as one of the leading scientists studying the effects of Transcendental Meditation, IDT, on brain functioning. He has authored 72 papers, which were published in top scientific and scholarly journals, including Psychosomatic Medicine, International Journal of Psychophysiology, Journal of Clinical Psychology, Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, Psychosomatic Medicine, International Journal of Neuroscience, The Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science, Biological Psychology, Journal of Social Behavior and Personality.
Dr, Frederick Travis, Ph.D went to college at Cornell University in Ithaca New York. He received his Masters and PhD in Psychology from Maharishi University of Management in 1988. Dr.Travis serves as Dean of the Graduate School, and Director of the Center for Brain, Consciousness, and Cognition at Maharishi University of Management, Iowa.
Dr. Travis teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on brain and consciousness. His papers and book chapters investigated effects of Transcendental Meditation practice on: (1) normal child development, (2) ADHD in children, (3) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in veterans and refugees, (4) brain patterns of higher states of consciousness, and (5) brain patterns of world class performers.